I am working on a project currently named the “Muskoka Minute”; after today we may have to revise the title. Today was quite a week.
Biologists track reptiles, fish, birds etc. – everybody knows that. I always thought that if they weren’t sitting in their office/lab chair looking at streams of perfect data, sent wirelessly from a creatures gizmo, they were tracking them. And tracking meant turning on the telemetry device and walking right up to a critter basking on a rock, picking it up and making some notes – then having lunch.
Working on communications for the Muskoka Watershed Council we are trying to enhance our own outreach and by extension that of scientists working in the field. We think that a quick, hopefully entertaining, look into what actually goes on in the field could be fun. We thought the goal should be to shoot and edit down to a minute or so, here and there in the field.
So today, thanks to Glenda Clayton (our Troubled Times for Our Turtles presenter), from the Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve, I was able to join in on a day with three others from the MNR tracking a species at risk: Blanding’s turtles.
There is a lot of editing to do to distill down to a minute – or a few. For the record though tracking involved, in this case, hours of beating through deer-fly soaked woods and wetland in 30+ degree heat, only to then slog through chest deep bogs hoping to get a signal strong enough for just long enough to reach down and hope to feel the turtle and nothing … else.
I’ll add a link to this weblog when I do the 1st Muskoka Minute, but in the meantime here’s a couple of short clips:
[wpvideo fFwX1VPL] [wpvideo xTLHcbXk]